Category Archives: Haley 2020

Trump’s Odds Continue to Inch up; Bill Kristol Wants Haley to Challenge Trump; Deval Patrick’s Lack of Name Recognition isn’t New; Hickenlooper “Leaning Strongly” Towards Running

Donald Trump’s odds improved slightly from 2.52X to 2.50X.  This is the highest he has been in 7 weeks.  He has been out campaigning for Republicans the past few weeks and seems to be energized each day at his rallies.

“Establishment” Republicans have been looking for a challenger to Trump in 2020.  Bill Kristol would like to talk Nikki Haley into it.   Her odds increased slightly to 57.7X from 58.0X.  She is in 18th place overall and third among the Republicans behind Trump and Pence.

Deval Patrick doesn’t have the same name recognition as other Democrats but many insiders still believe he can pull it off. His odds improved this week from 65.2X to 61.9X, putting him in 19th place up from 22nd. He has bounced around between 14th place and 32nd place this election cycle.

John Hickenlooper is “leaning strongly” towards running. His odds improved from 68.8X to 65.6X, and he moved from 28th place to 24th place.  These are his best odds in 12 weeks.

Here are the full odds:

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Trump Sees Small Decline in News Heavy Week; Nikki Hayley Improves while Oprah Declines; George Clooney’s Odds See Big Improvement

Donald Trump’s Odds saw a small decline in an event filled week that ended with the Senate passing their version of the tax bill and the guilty plea of Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI.  The payout increased from 3.27X to 3.29X.  That is a very minor change and is better than the 3.31X from two weeks ago.

Oprah had the biggest drop of the week with her payout increasing from 28.5X to 30.4X.  That is the lowest she has been in 10 weeks, when she teased a run. She remains in 11th place overall (She was 28th place 11 weeks ago).

Nikki Haley saw an improvement as her payout decreased from 53.5X to 51.3X.  She improves from 26th place to 23rd place.  She is 5th and the highest woman among the Republicans.

The biggest mover up was George Clooney.  His payout moved from 112.4X to 70.7X which was enough to move him from 61st place to 38th place.  There was no apparent news, but the movement was seen in the majority of the 8 sites with odds on him.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

Views – 1358

Donald Trump Sees a Slight Improvement; Zuckerberg’s Odds Decline on Facebook Controversy; Oprah Rockets into Top 10; Haley Improves

For the second straight week Donald Trump saw a slight improvement in odds.  This week his payout decreased from 3.42X to 3.38X.  That is the best odds he has had in the last 7 weeks.

The controversy with Russia using Facebook might be impacting Mark Zuckerberg’s odds.  His payout increased this week from 23.8X to 24.5X.  His recent peak was at 23.3X five weeks ago.  He remains in 7th place overall, a place he has had the last ten weeks.

For the third straight week, Oprah remained one of the hottest candidates.  Her payout decreased from 27.3X to 24.8X as she moved from 11th place to 8th.  Just 4 weeks ago, her payout was at 52.5X and she was in 30th place.

Nikki Haley has been perhaps the one member of the administration without much controversy.  She has also increased her profile with North Korea and Iran at the top of the news. This week her payout decreased from 46.0X to 45.5X.  That was enough to move her from 24th place to 22nd.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

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