Category Archives: Clooney 2020

Trump Stars at CPAC and Sees Small Gain in Odds; Oprah “Definitely not” running; Garcetti Visits South Carolina; Clooney Sparks 2020 Speculation after Gun Control Donation

Donald Trump’s odds continued to improve this week as it has become more and more clear there will not be a realistic challenger on the right.  The President spoke at CPAC  and received 93% approval according to attendees of the conservative conference.   His payout decreased from 3.03X to 3.02X, the lowest in 32 weeks.

Oprah’s odds improved despite her telling Jimmy Kimmel she is “definitely not” running in 2020. The payout decreased from 25.2X to 23.1X. her highest in 5 weeks, when she initially denied she would run.  She continues to be in 8th place overall.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti  paid a visit to South Carolina, an important 2020 primary state.  He improved from 40th place to 36th place.  His payout dropped from 73.4X to 66.5X, his highest in 8 weeks.

George Clooney ‘s donation to the gun-control march sparked speculation on whether he will run in 2020. He moved from 47th place to 41st place as his payout dropped from 83.8X to 74.1X.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

Views – 809

Trump Sees Small Decline in News Heavy Week; Nikki Hayley Improves while Oprah Declines; George Clooney’s Odds See Big Improvement

Donald Trump’s Odds saw a small decline in an event filled week that ended with the Senate passing their version of the tax bill and the guilty plea of Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI.  The payout increased from 3.27X to 3.29X.  That is a very minor change and is better than the 3.31X from two weeks ago.

Oprah had the biggest drop of the week with her payout increasing from 28.5X to 30.4X.  That is the lowest she has been in 10 weeks, when she teased a run. She remains in 11th place overall (She was 28th place 11 weeks ago).

Nikki Haley saw an improvement as her payout decreased from 53.5X to 51.3X.  She improves from 26th place to 23rd place.  She is 5th and the highest woman among the Republicans.

The biggest mover up was George Clooney.  His payout moved from 112.4X to 70.7X which was enough to move him from 61st place to 38th place.  There was no apparent news, but the movement was seen in the majority of the 8 sites with odds on him.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

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