All posts by Aztocas

Trump Odds Improve on Back of 2020 Kickoff; Kamala Harris Jumps Warren for Second Place; Clinton and Clooney up

Despite a week of chaos at the White House, Donald Trump still took steps towards being reelected in 2020 including announcing a campaign manager and kicking off a fundraising campaign.  The odds reflected more the reelection steps and less the chaos as the payout moved from 3.02X to 2.87X.  These are his best odds in nearly a year (since end of March ’17).

Kamala Harris is the new #2 jumping over Elizabeth Warren. She has been consistently improving her standing for the last few months by positioning herself to be the progressive choice for the Democrats.  Her payout this week dropped from 13.1X to 12.8X and that was enough to get her to second place.  Last year at this time she was in 11th place with a payout of 31.8X.

Hillary Clinton saw a reversal in her recent downward trend as her payout decreased from 46.6X to 42.1X.  This was enough to move her from 22nd place to 16th place.  This is the highest she’s been in 6 weeks.

For the second straight week George Clooney’s odds improved, this time from 74.1X to 69.7X.  He appears to be the newest non-politician name for 2020.  This moved him from 41st place to 37th place.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

Views – 723

Trump Stars at CPAC and Sees Small Gain in Odds; Oprah “Definitely not” running; Garcetti Visits South Carolina; Clooney Sparks 2020 Speculation after Gun Control Donation

Donald Trump’s odds continued to improve this week as it has become more and more clear there will not be a realistic challenger on the right.  The President spoke at CPAC  and received 93% approval according to attendees of the conservative conference.   His payout decreased from 3.03X to 3.02X, the lowest in 32 weeks.

Oprah’s odds improved despite her telling Jimmy Kimmel she is “definitely not” running in 2020. The payout decreased from 25.2X to 23.1X. her highest in 5 weeks, when she initially denied she would run.  She continues to be in 8th place overall.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti  paid a visit to South Carolina, an important 2020 primary state.  He improved from 40th place to 36th place.  His payout dropped from 73.4X to 66.5X, his highest in 8 weeks.

George Clooney ‘s donation to the gun-control march sparked speculation on whether he will run in 2020. He moved from 47th place to 41st place as his payout dropped from 83.8X to 74.1X.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

Views – 809

Trump Continues to Improve while Pence Continues to Drop; Biden Open to Running; Oprah’s Odds up Despite Continued Denials of a Run

The recent trend of Donald Trump’s Odds improving while his VPs worsening continued this week.

The payout for Donald Trump winning once again dropped from 3.04X to 3.03X.  These are now the best odds he has had the past 30 weeks (since end of July).

Mike Pence’s odds on the other hand have been diving the past three weeks.  He came in at a payout of 13.1X from last week’s 12.5X and 10.8X four weeks ago.  This was enough to drop him 2nd place two weeks ago to 3rd last week to 4th this week as both Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris passed him by.

Joe Biden told a private gathering he’s open to running in 2020. That caused his payout to drop from last week’s 21.0X to this week’s 20.3X.  These are his best odds of the cycle.  He remains in 6th place.

Oprah had an interview on 60 Minutes Overtime  where she once again denied running.  The interview, however,  refueled speculation of a run. Her payout dropped from 28.4X to 25.2X as she moved from 12th place to 8th place, the highest she has been in four weeks. She was in second place for two weeks immediately following the Golden Globes.

Here are the full odds:

For updates please follow me on twitter @2016ElectOdds

Views – 752