Trump’s Odds Continue Slow Decline; Sanders Jumps into 4th Place; Kennedy Reaches New High; Cruz Highest in 7 Weeks

Donald Trump’s odds saw a small drop for the 7th straight week as the payout increased from 3.35X to 3.39X.  The probability dropped to 17.7%, but is still more than the next three candidates combined.

Bernie Sanders’ odds continued to rise.  His payout decreased from 18.2X to 17.7X.  That was enough for him to jump into 4th over Michelle Obama.  This is the highest he has been this cycle.  He was asked this week about 2020 and replied with “People are sick and tired of it” (the never ending election cycle)

Joseph Kennedy reached a new high with his payout dropping from 40.1X to 38.3X.  That was enough for him to rise to 13th place.  He was in 19th place merely three weeks ago.

Ted Cruz’s odds improved with his payout decreasing from 61.7X to 56.3X.  That is the best they have been in 7 weeks.  He is currently in 30th place (Lower than prior weeks simply because more names have been added to the board)

Here are the full odds:

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