Trumps continues odds momentum after RNC, but Biden maintains slim odds lead; Little change on the electoral forecasts with Biden having a wider lead than the odds show; Wisconsin closer to flipping to Trump.

Big jump in Trump’s odds after the Republican Convention moving from 2.22X to 1.99X. His odds have now increased for five straight weeks and are at a 13 weeks high.

Joe Biden’s odds dropped from 1.71X to 1.83X. That’s his fourth drop in a row and his lowest odds in 12 weeks.

Implied odds for Biden now at 52.1%, lowest in 13 weeks. Trump has now gained on Biden for 4 straight weeks.

Here’s the overall odds and trend:

This week the FiveThirtyEight showed a small improvement for Trump while he Economist for Biden. They offset each other and the overall forecast remained atBiden 326-212.

Keeping it simple: For Trump to win, he will need to keep the leads he has in Georgia, Ohio, and North Carolina and make up for being behind in Arizona, Florida, and Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. The only change from last week is it appears Wisconsin might be in play a little more for Trump. The only way the electoral projections show Trump in the lead, is for him to lead in the polls of each of 6 of these 7 states.

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