Category Archives: Murphy 2020

Updated 2020 Odds: Donald Trump’s Odds as High as Next 5 Candidates; Clinton into top 10; Rice, Paul, Murphy Added to List

The top 6 remained unchanged with Donald Trump having higher odds than the next five candidates combined.  Donald Trump came in at 26.5% probability which was flat to last week.  He was followed by Mike Pence, Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Obama, Cory Booker, and Tim Kaine.  All five had a small decrease in odds as more names got added to the list.

Hillary Clinton was the biggest mover as she improved from 11th place to 8th place.

The big falls came from fellow Democrats Andrew Cuomo who went from 7th place to 10th place and Bernie Sanders who dropped from 9th place to 11th place.

Three additions came in at the same odds tied for 23rd place:

  • former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
  • Republican Senator from KY Rand Paul
  • Democractic Senator from CT Chris Murphy

Here are the full odds:



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