Donald Trump’s odds continued to be fairly steady with a similar payout (2.6X) and probability (24.5%) as two weeks ago.
Mike Pence continues to be in second and improved a little bit. His payout is at 8.7X and his probability is at 7.3%.
Cory Booker continued to be in 6th place, but his payout dropped (odds improved) once again, this time from 22.2 to 21.6. He has nearly the same payout as Hillary Clinton (21.5) who is in 5th place.
The big riser continues to be Mark Zuckerberg. He was in 45th place with a payout of 107X just 6 weeks. His payout this week dropped from 53.8X to 43.8X and he is now in 20th place.
Trump continues to have a big lead but his odds have now dropped for five straight weeks. Back in the middle of January, Trump’s odds were at 26.9%. He is now at 24.5%. His payout is now at 2.6X, up from 2.5X. That is the tied for his highest payout since re-election.
Two movers in the top 10 were Cory Booker and Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan hopped over Bernie Sanders to get back to 7th place. His payout dropped from 26.9X to 25.6X. Cory Booker remained in 6th place but his payout dropped from 23.2X to 22.2X, his lowest since the beginning of January.
One debut this week was NY Mayor Bill de Blasio, who made his debut in 18th place. His payout is at 37.5X.
Donald Trump continued to be fairly steady at the top. His payout has ranged between 2.4x and 2.5x in each of the last 8 weeks. He has seen his probability go down a little bit. It is at its lowest in the last 5 weeks at 25.5%. He peaked at 26.9% five weeks ago.
It looks like Elizabeth Warren made the most of her being silenced on the Senate floor. She remains in 3rd overall , but her payout dropped from 10.7X the prior week to 9.8X. Her probability is now at 6.6% but remains behind Mike Pence’s 7.4% for second place.
Paul Ryan took a little hit with his payout moving from 26.4X to 26.9X. That allowed Bernie Sanders to hop over him for 7th place.
The big mover on the week, and of the last 3 weeks has been Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Four weeks ago, Zuckerberg was in 45th place with a payout of 107.3X. Reports started coming out about the possibility of him running. He immediately shot up to 32nd place with a payout of 80X. This week he was up once again now to 19th place with the payout decreasing to just 54.2X.