Ohio figures to be one of the more important swing states in the 2016 election (Barack Obama won it 50.7% to 47.7% in 2012, but it was Republican in 2008 with George Bush winning it 50.8% to 48.7%)
A poll of 1,366 registered voters in Ohio taken July 24-28 showed Hillary Clinton ahead of four possible Republican canadidates:
– ahead of Rand Paul by 4 (46-42)
– ahead of Jeb Bush by 11 (48-37)
– ahead of Chris Christie by 9 (46-37)
– ahead of John Kasich by 7 (47-40)
Paul is closer than other Republicans because he beats Clinton among independent voters 44 to 41. Clinton wins the independent vote against the other candidates.
Kasich, the current governor of Ohio, is running for re-election this year and depending on the poll has about a 5 point lead over Democrat Ed FitzGerald. He has a +16 net favorability in Ohio. Clinton polling ahead of him in Ohio is quite an achievement.
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