Trump at a New High for the Year; Kamala Harris Helping ’18 Dems and her 2020 Odds; Tim Ryan Makes Odds Debut; Kasich as an Independent?

Donald Trump continued to trend up and is now at his highest point in 59 weeks.  His odds improved from 2.77X to 2.75X.  He had been at 2.77X the last 5 weeks. His all time high this cycle was on 1/7/17 at 2.41X.

Kamala Harris is helping fellow Democrats campaign in Trump Country, but in what many believe is a “2020 shadow campaign”. Her odds improved from 12.5X to 12.3X, tying her all time high. She remains in 3rd place overall.

There are some that think John Kasich may/should end up running as an independent. His odds improved slightly this week from 67X to 63X.  He is currently in 27th place.

Tim Ryan has been making a few trips to early Presidential Primary states. He makes his debut in the odds this week at 101X and in 46th place overall.

Here are the full odds:


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