Donald Trump continued to trend up and is now at his highest point in 59 weeks. His odds improved from 2.77X to 2.75X. He had been at 2.77X the last 5 weeks. His all time high this cycle was on 1/7/17 at 2.41X.
Kamala Harris is helping fellow Democrats campaign in Trump Country, but in what many believe is a “2020 shadow campaign”. Her odds improved from 12.5X to 12.3X, tying her all time high. She remains in 3rd place overall.
There are some that think John Kasich may/should end up running as an independent. His odds improved slightly this week from 67X to 63X. He is currently in 27th place.
Tim Ryan has been making a few trips to early Presidential Primary states. He makes his debut in the odds this week at 101X and in 46th place overall.
Here are the full odds:
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