Donald Trump’s odds have been steady the last three weeks after 7 weeks of declines. Payout for putting money on Trump is exactly what it was last week at 3.45X. His odds are nearly three times that the next competitor, his VP Mike Pence.
The UN met this week, which naturally raised Nikki Haley’s profile, as well as her odds. Her payout improved to 46X from 47.5X. That was enough to move her up from 25th place to 23rd place.
On the Democratic side, the big riser was Al Franken. He was in Texas and was once again taking shots at Ted Cruz and denying he would run in 2020. His payout improved to 54.5X from 59X. This is the lowest payout/highest odds he has had. He moved from 31st place to 29th place.
Every week, it seems a different non politician makes a move. This week it was time for former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. He “sounds like a 2020 presidential candidate” according to the Washington Post. His payout dropped from 96.5X to 63X. That rocketed him from 50th place to 33rd place.
Here are the full odds:
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