Trump’s Odds Remain Steady; Zuckerberg Continues to be Hottest Name; Kasich and Franken Improve on the Back of Opposition to Healthcare Bill

For the sixth straight week Donald Trump’s odds have remained at 3.0X.  The odds continue to be as high as the next four competitors combined.

Mark Zuckerberg continued to be the hottest name.  His payout this week dropped from 27.4X to 24.6X.  It was at 32.7X at the end of May and 107.3X at the time of the inauguration in January.  This week’s change was enough to move him from 10th place to 9th place jumping over Paul Ryan.

John Kasich had a good week as he spoke out against the Senate healthcare bill.  He’s stayed in opposition to Trump’s agenda from the time of the primaries.  He moved from 28th place to 27th place as his payout dropped from 57.0X to 53.0X. Kasich has jumped around between 27th and 28th place the last 14 weeks.

Al Franken has been increasing his profile speaking out on healthcare and promoting his book.  His payout dropped from 71.7X to 61.7X.  He was at 71.7X for 9 weeks. This was enough to move from 34th to 29th place.

Here are the full odds:

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