Polls from some important swing states have been released recently, two of which have influenced the forecast:
On 6/16 a VA poll showed Clinton +3 over Trump. Combining that with a previous Clinton +4 poll pushed the state from the prior tossup to a lean D.
On 6/21 a FL poll showed Clinton +6. While 6 is a large spread that is normally classified as Likely D, combining that poll with the previous Trump +1 and Clinton +3 moved the state from a tossup to Lean D.
These two changes helped widen Clinton’s lead from 48 (293-245) to 70 (304-234).
Other polls released included:
- 6/20 UT poll Trump +9 confirms likely R
- 6/21 PA poll Clinton +3 confirms lean D
- 6/21 OH Poll Clinton +2 confirms tossup
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