Category Archives: Trump 2020

Biden leads Trump for second week in a row, widening the gap; Harris continues to lead VP odds, reaching a new high; Another poll shows must win Michigan is likely Biden’s

One week after overtaking Donald Trump for the lead, Joe Biden’s odds continued to improve. They reached a new high at 1.80X up from last week’s 1.90X. Trump’s odds dropped from 2.11X o 2.19X, his lowest since Thanksgiving of 2019. The implied odds between the two are now 54.8% for Biden to 45.2% for Trump. This is the widest gap for either since it became a two man race.

Here are the full odds:

On the VP side, Kamala Harris continued to improve and her odds reached almost 50% this week at 2.2X. The other big improvement came from Susan Rice who is reportedly one of the finalists.

Here are the full odds:

Only one state poll was released this past week: Michigan with Biden +12. This poll may be an outlier for the size of the gap, but not for the fact that Biden leads: Biden has lead all 19 polls in Michigan so far. This is not a good sign for Trump, as Michigan is a must win.

We are keeping our forecast at 330 Biden 208 Trump. Details by state below:

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Biden’s Odds reach a new high, narrows gap with Trump; Protests have large impact on VP odds as Bottoms makes debut while Klobuchar drops; Polls tighten in FL, MN, UT, MO

Donald Trump’s odds dropped from 1.91X to 1.98X, their lowest in 2020. They had been in a tight range the previous 8 weeks between 1.88X and 1.93X. As a result, Joe Biden’s odds were the mirror image improving from 2.26X to 2.06X. The 2.06X is an all time high for Biden. The previous high was in the middle of March at 2.12X. Trump’s edge in a one on one matchup is now down from 54.1% to 51.0%

Here are the full odds:

On the VP side, the demonstrations and unrest resulting from the death of George Floyd seem to be driving the odds. Minnesota’s Amy Klobuchar’s odds sank from 5.3X to 16.7X. On the other hand, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has upped her profile, and as a result, made her debut at 16.7X. Val Demings continued to improve jumping from last week’s 11.1X to this week’s 7.7X. Warren also saw a jump this week from 9.1X to 7.7X as multiple media outlets proclaimed her the front-runner. Kamala Harris, however, continued to be the odds favorite, improving her odds to 2.8X. She has led the odds every week since we started tracking them seven weeks ago.

Here are the full odds:

The polls didn’t change the overall forecast although some were tighter than expected. Trump has made Florida and Minnesota tighter than previous polls while Biden has made Utah and Missouri tighter. It’s unknown which of these are true tightenings vs. just outlier polls. Future polls will answer that. For now here are the polls:

  • Minnesota Biden +5 (keep to Biden)
  • Maryland Biden +24 (Keep to Biden)
  • Utah Trump +3 (Keep to Trump, tighter than expected after previous double digit leads)
  • New York Biden +25 (keep to Biden)
  • Missouri Trump +4 (Keep to Trump, tighter than expected)
  • Florida Biden +1 (tighter than expected, keep to Biden as previous polls were +6, +3, +4)

We are keeping our forecast at 330 Biden 208 Trump. Details by state below:

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Odds for Trump and Biden flat to last week even as Trump’s approval continues to decline, and Biden has another “gaffe”; Val Demings shoots up the VP odds; Biden leads poll in swing state AZ for 7th straight time

Odds for both Trump and Biden remained flat with Trump at 1.91X, tied with the last three weeks for a five week high, and Biden at 2.26X, tied with last week for a 4 weeks high. Trump’s implied odds against Biden saw a small drop from 54.2% to 54.1% (rounding). The disconnect between net approval rating (-7% at start of month, -10% current according to five thirty eight) and state polls (see below) on the one hand and the odds on the other hand continued.

Here are the full odds:

On the VP side, Val Demings continued to move up the odds a week after making her debut. She further raised her profile this week as she attacked Trump for trying to capitalize on Biden’s comment about African American voters. She rose from 8th place and 25.0X to 4th place and 11.1X.

Here are the full odds:

Only one poll from a swing state was released this week with Biden leading Trump in AZ by 7. Here is the full set of polls:

  • Tennessee Trump +17
  • Virginia Biden +12
  • Arizona Biden +7
  • Washington Biden +26
  • California Biden +28
  • Kentucky Trump +16

AZ only reinforced our call for that state to Biden. We are keeping our forecast at 330 Biden 208 Trump. Details by state below:

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