Category Archives: Merkley 2020

Trump’s odds improve to best in 9 weeks; Sanders remains hot name, reaches new high; Hickenlooper officially announces, quickly raises money; Four high profile candidates officially out

Trump’s odds improved from 2.91X to 2.86X. Although this may not seem like a big improvement, it’s the best odds he has had in 9 weeks. To keep things in perspective, his high for the cycle is 2.31X in August 2018.

Bernie Sanders is currently the hot candidate on the left. He jumped up from 9.18X to 7.06X, a new high for him. This was enough to have him jump the yet undecided Joe Biden (8.39X) for 3rd place. He is just behind Kamala Harris (6.73X) for the Democratic lead. Sanders signed the “Democratic Loyalty Pledge” this week.

John Hickenlooper officially announced his candidacy on Monday and his odds jumped from 73.6X to 66.4X. That was enough for him tomove from 21st place to 14th place. He became the fourth Democrat to raise over $1 million within hours of his announcement.

A few top names officially announced they are NOT running:

Here are the full odds:

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