All posts by Aztocas

NY Poll: Clinton, Cuomo comfortably ahead of Republican nomineess

Quinnipac released a poll of NY state voters that showed Clinton and Cuomo well ahead of the top Republican candidates in the state.

Clinton leads:
60 – 29 percent over Jeb Bush (+31)
61 – 30 percent over Rand Paul (+29)
54 – 34 percent over Chris Christie (+20)

Cuomo leads:
53 – 30 percent over Bush (+23)
55 – 31 percent over Paul (+24)
47 – 37 percent over Christie (+10)

– Overall Clinton does a better job against the Republicans than Cuomo
– Overall Christie does the best amongt the Republicans which isn’t a surprise given his close proximity to NY

One bright spot for Christie is has has closed the gap since February where he was down by 27 to Clinton (picked up 7 points) and down by 16 points to Cuomo (picked up 6 points)

NY is heavily Democratic as evidenced by Obama’s 63-35 win over Romney in 2012 and is not expected to be in play in 2012.

Link to the poll

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The Start of Scandal Season for the 2016 Presidential Election?

The two biggest 2016 Presidential Election are “mini scandals” from both sides.

On the Republican side, Texas Governor Rick Perry was indicted on abuse of power charges.  Many on the right argue these are politically motivated. There’s even some on the left that wonder how strong of a legal base the indictment has

On the Democratic side, the big story is Clinton’s speaker fee at UNLV and the contract details of her travel requirements . There is outrage about both the fee and the travel lifestyle requirements.  Clinton has said the fee will be donated.

This blog’s goal is to inform the readers about all the news related to the 2016 Presidential Election.  I do my best to be as unbiased as possible and would ideally like to link to stories about each nominee’s vision for America.  When these “scandal” types of stories break, however, they are news and I will link to them.

For all the weekend 2016 Presidential Election stories click here

For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

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Updated Odds: Clinton lead shrinks; Paul, Rubio, Christie up and Perry down

For the second straight week Hillary Clinton’s odds have declined, although she remains the favorite by far. She peaked at 44.4% two weeks ago but is now down to 42.3%.

The biggest move up was by Rand Paul who’s odds increased to 3.7% from 2.9% moving him to 4th overall.
Marco Rubio  improved from 3.5% to 3.9% and 3rd overall, 
Chris Christie had a strong week as well moving to 2.9% and 5th overall from 2.5% and 8th overall. Christie is still well behind his May numbers of 4.7% and #2 overall. 
Biggest drop was Rick Perry who after peaking at 3.1% and 4th overall is down to 2.1% and 8th overall this week.

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