All posts by Aztocas

September Florida Poll

Because of the large number of electoral votes, and the fact that the margin was less than 1% in 2012, Florida will be one of the more important battles in the 2016 presidential elections.

A  poll was released by the Public Policy Polling for September that included some matchups of Hillary Clinton vs. different GOP candidates.

Clinton wins in all headed to head matchups with Jeb Bush being the closest.  The same poll was taken in July for some of these candidates.  Comparing the results of the two polls shows Clinton’s lead shrinking against Bush, Christie, and Rubio.  Here are the results.

Clinton 46% Jeb Bush 44% (47%-41% July)

Clinton 46% Chris Christie 38% (49%-38% in July)

Clinton 51% Ted Cruz 36%

Clinton 49% Mike Huckabee 40%

Clinton 48% Rand Paul 40% (46%-42% in July)

Clinton 49% and Marco Rubio 42% (53%-39% in July)

Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney 50.0% to 49.1% in Florida in 2012.

More details here including a poll on the Florida Governor race.

To see a list of all candidates and their odds, click here

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Updated Odds – Steady at the Top. Romney and Perry slipping

Hillary Clinton continued to come back to the pack but is still the heavy favorite.  Her probability is now at 36.8%, down from a peak on 8/2 of 46.4%.  That is still well ahead of the #2 candidate Marco Rubio at 4.6%.

Two big moves down on the Republican side are Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

Mitt Romney moves from as high as 9th place on 8/30 down to 17th place this week, perhaps due to his insistence in the past week that he will not run.  His probability is now down to 1.1%

Rick Perry has seen the biggest fall from grace dropping all the way down to 38th place after peaking at 4th place on 8/2 (before indictment and after he deployed the national guard for the border crisis).    Odds for Perry winning vary widely from as low as 33 to 1 as high as 150 to 1.

For the Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden continue to be the top competitors to Hillary Clinton coming in at 6th and 7th overall.

To see a list of all candidates and their odds, click here

For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

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CNN Iowa Poll: Clinton and Huckabee with Big Leads

CNN Iowa poll of a 1,000 adults showed Hillary Clinton with a commanding lead in the state for the Democratic nomination at 53%. Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren were a distant 2nd and 3rd at 15% and 7% respectively.
On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee leads at 21% followed by Paul Ryan and 12%. A cluster of 9 other candidates range from 3% to 7% follow including Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum.

Clinton 53%
Biden 15%
Warren 7%
Sanders 5%
Cuomo 3%
O’Malley 2%
Patrick 1%

Huckabee 21%
Ryan 12%
Paul 7%
Bush 6%
Christie 6%
Perry 5%
Rubio 5%
Walker 5%
Cruz 4%
Jindal 4%
Santorum 3%

Link to full poll

To see a list of all candidates and their odds, click here

For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds


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