All posts by Aztocas

Updated Odds: Top Candidates Holding Steady; Two Emerging Candidates

In this week’s odds, the top 9 held steady with Hillary Clinton once again leading the pack at 38.6%.  Marco Rubio solidifies his position as the Republican leader with a 5.1%.  He is followed closely by Jeb Bush and Chris Christie at 4%.

Andrew Cuomo sneaks into the top 10 with a probability of 1.5%.

There are a couple of candidates that have moved up dramatically in the last 8 weeks.

On the Democratic side Kirsten Gillibrand who was not even in the top 50 just eight weeks ago is now in 15th place.  She’s considered an alternative to Clinton and Warren.  Here’s a recent article about her.

An old name, Rick Santorum is back in the picture for 2016.  He has worked his way up to 21st place.  Here’s a recent interview with him.

To see a list of all candidates and their odds, click here

For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

Views – 966

September Poll: North Carolina Will be a Toss-up

A Public Policy Polling survey shows the NC will likely be a toss up between the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton in 2016. Romney beat Obama in the state in 2012 50% to 48%.

The Poll shows Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee slightly ahead of Clinton, while fellow Republicans Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul don’t do as well:

Jeb Bush over Hillary Clinton 45%-43%
Clinton over Chris Christie 45%-38%
Hillary Clinton over Ted Cruz 48%-40%
Mike Huckabee over Hillary Clinton 46%-45%
Hillary Clinton over Rand Paul 46%-41%

Compared to an August poll by Civitas, Clinton has lost some ground to Bush(48%-47% in August). She has overtaken Christie (Christie was ahead of Clinton 47%-46% in August), and increased her lead over Paul (48%-47% in August).

Link to the poll
Link to list of all candidates and their odds
Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
Link to recent news on the race
Link to recent Polls
For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

Views – 978

September 2014 New Hampshire Poll: Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton Leading

A new CNN Poll shows Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton leading for the nomination for their respective parties.

On the Republican side, Rand Paul leads at 15% followed by Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan at 10% and Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee at 9%.

Below are the total results with how the candidates fared in a July poll by Marist in parenthesis

Paul 15% (14%)
Bush 10% (10%)
Ryan 10% (7%)
Christie 9% (13%)
Huckabee 9%
Perry 7% (5%)
Rubio 7% (7%)
Walker 7%  (6%)
Cruz 6% (9%)
Jindal 3% (4%)
Santorum 3% (3%)

In comparing the results, Paul is holding steady at the lead with Bush a solid #2.  Ryan seems to have made up the most space while Christie and Cruz have slipped the most.  Huckabee was not even an option on the last poll, and finishes tied for 4th.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton leads 60% over Elizabeth Warren at 11% and Joe Biden at 8%.   Sanders is a surprisingly strong 4th place at 7%.

Clinton 60%
Warren 11%
Biden 8%
Sanders 7%
Patrick 4%
Cuomo 1%
O’Malley 1%

The July poll only asked about Clinton and Biden, and in that one Clinton got 74% and Biden got 18%.  These two numbers are obviously inflated by only having two choices.

To see a list of all candidates and their odds, click here

 For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

Views – 1041