Hillary Clinton continued to add to her enormous lead increasing 1.2% to 66.2%. She has now been up for thirteen straight weeks.
Clinton’s closest competitor is Marco Rubio. Rubio dropped 0.9% to 9.8%. That is his fourth straight drop from a high of 12.2% the end of November.
Donald Trump continues to be in third place up 0.1% to 7.3%. Trump has been in the 7%-7.3% the last five weeks.
The hottest candidate has been Ted Cruz. He was up 0.5% this week to 5.4%. Cruz has now been up the last 14 weeks from a mere 0.8%!
Jeb Bush and Bernie Sanders round out the top 6 but both have been cold lately. Both drop 0.1% with Bush now at 2.4% and Sanders at 2.2%.
Lindsey Graham withdrew from the race. He was never a factor, reaching his highest point in the middle of November at 23rd place, well behind people who have not even declared.
Here is the full list:
Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
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