Hillary Clinton continued to have a big lead at 59.7%, up 0.3% from the prior week. Her lead over Donald Trump however, has shrunk to the lowest level in the last 14 weeks.
Donald Trump continued his campaign as he splits loyalties on the right. He got an endorsement from Sarah Palin while conservative National Review had an “Against Trump” issue with essays from many conservative thinkers. Trump was up 2.5% to 15.4%. Over the last six weeks he has more than doubled his odds, and the 15.4% is the highest at any time in this race for anyone other than Clinton.
Marco Rubio continues to run in third and dropped 0.8% to 8.3%. He has now dropped for eight straight weeks, and he is at his lowest level since the end of October.
Over the last two weeks Bernie Sanders has made a move. He was up again this week by 0.2% to 7.4%, his highest mark of the campaign.
Ted Cruz continues to suffer with all of the attacks from Trump. Cruz was down 1.2% to 3.1%. He has now been down four straight weeks and is at his lowest point since the end of November.
Jeb Bush and Chris Christie continued to be in sixth and seventh place with each dropping 0.2%. Jeb Bush is now at 2.4% and Chris Christie at 0.9%.
The one second tier candidate that showed some life is John Kasich. He was up 0.2% to 0.5%. That was enough to lift him from tenth to eighth. It is also his highest mark since the middle of December.
Here are the full odds:
Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
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