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Trump Catches Clinton Post RNC in National Poll of Polls

With many national polls being released on a daily basis showing conflicting information, it’s useful to step back and look at an average of the polls on a longer term. That’s the intent of this post.  See below for specifics on methodology.

As of 7/22, the poll shows Trump at 45.4% and Clinton at 45.3%.  This is the first time Trump has been ahead of Clinton since May 24th.

Hillary Clinton had as much of a lead as 7.4% in the middle of June (Pre FBI investigation and RNC)

Candidates are known to get bumps from conventions.  It will be interesting seeing where these same polls stand after the DNC next week.

Here is a trend of the polls:

poll of polls trend 7-24

Here are the last 10 polls used in the tracking:

poll of polls 7-24

Of course the election is not about national polls and popular votes.  It’s about the electoral college.  Please see previous posts or click below for updated  state by state forecast of the electoral outcome.

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Click here for results from last 5 elections

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  • Use all national polls listed at Real Clear Politics
  • Weigh the outcomes by the sample size of each poll
  • Account for the different days spanned for the poll by allocating it out across the days.
  • Example a poll of 1000 voters taken across 7/2-7/5 would have a weighting of 250 voters for each of those days
  • For each day, take the previous weighted 7 days worth of poll data to compute a percentage for each candidate.  The rolling 7 days decreases the impact of large polls taken on a single day (large sample electronic polls)

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Updated Weekly Odds: Small Bump for Trump from RNC Continues his Momentum; Clinton Continues to Have Significant Lead

Donald Trump’s odds had a small bump post RNC as they improved from 30.4% to 31.2%.  The 31.2% is his highest in eight weeks and second highest ever. This is the fourth straight week he has been up.

Hillary Clinton saw a small drop of 0.2% to 64.1%, her lowest in seven weeks.

Most of the gain for Trump came from the drops from Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden as betting on Clinton not being the Democratic candidate sees a shrinking window of time.

Overall Clinton maintains a significant 33% lead over Trump that has declined for four straight weeks and that peaked in April at 48.6%.

Here are the overall odds:

Pres odds 7-23

Click here for a state by state forecast of the elections

Click here for running list of forecast changes

Click here for results from last 5 elections

Follow me @2016ElectOdds for updates


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Updated Democratic VP Odds: Kaine Odds on Favorite with Outside Chance for Vilsack, Warren, and Perez

In the last update for the VP odds, Tim Kaine has jumped to the front and has more than a 50% chance based on betting odds.

Kaine improved his odds from 33.3% to the current 51.7%.

Tom Vilsack has been the other hot candidate.  The current agriculture secretary and former Iowa governor has come out of nowhere into second place at 15.0%.

Third and Fourth place went to Elizabeth Warren at 6.2% and Tom Perez as 5.5%.  Both have been in the top 5 for a while but at much higher odds.

The biggest drop has been Julian Castro who was once the front runner and is now 5th at 3.9%.

Here’s the full list:

Dem VP 7-21

Click here fora state by state forecast of the Presidential elections

Click here for running list of forecast changes

Click here for results from last 5 Presidential elections

Follow me @2016ElectOdds for updates

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