Updated Weekly Odds: No Email Indictment Hurts Sanders & Biden Odds; Upside is Split Evenly Between Trump and Clinton

The biggest news this week was the AG announcing that Hillary Clinton will not be charged for the email scandal.  That moved the odds for Bernie Sanders down from 3.0% to 2.7%, his lowest since the start of May.  Joe Biden also got hit dropping an even greater 0.5% to 1.6%, his lowest since early May as well.

One would expect this combined 0.8% drop would all go to Clinton.  In fact Clinton only went up 0.4%, the same as Trump.  That is a sign that overall the week helped Trump.

Clinton was up 0.4% to 66.9%, her second straight weekly gain.

Trump was up 0.4% to 26.4%, the highest he has been in four weeks.

Here are the overall odds:

7-9 Pres Odds

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