Updated Weekly Odds: Bush Stabilizes; Top 10 Trend over Last 8 Month

This week’s odds had very little movement as for the first time in 11 weeks Jeb Bush did not see a significant gain.  Over that run, He has increased from 4.1% to 9.8%.

Hillary Clinton maintains her strong position although once again it saw a small dip to 38.9%.  Over the last 8 months she has ranged between 36.8% and 45.5%.

With so little change this week, Let’s look at how the top 10 candidates have trended over the last 8 months.  This is based on the slope of the line that represents their weekly odds that can be found here

Biggest Increase: Jeb Bush

Moderate Increases: Mitt Romney and Elizabeth Warren

Small Increase: Scott Walker

Small Decreases: Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Joe Biden, Rand Paul

Moderate Decrease: Hillary Clinton (still holds a big lead.  Drop in graph may not appear large since it’s on a different scale)

Biggest Decrease: Paul Ryan

Here’s the overall odds:

Jan 10 2015 pres odds

Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
For updates follow me @2016ElectOdds

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