One week after overtaking Donald Trump for the lead, Joe Biden’s odds continued to improve. They reached a new high at 1.80X up from last week’s 1.90X. Trump’s odds dropped from 2.11X o 2.19X, his lowest since Thanksgiving of 2019. The implied odds between the two are now 54.8% for Biden to 45.2% for Trump. This is the widest gap for either since it became a two man race.
Here are the full odds:

On the VP side, Kamala Harris continued to improve and her odds reached almost 50% this week at 2.2X. The other big improvement came from Susan Rice who is reportedly one of the finalists.
Here are the full odds:

Only one state poll was released this past week: Michigan with Biden +12. This poll may be an outlier for the size of the gap, but not for the fact that Biden leads: Biden has lead all 19 polls in Michigan so far. This is not a good sign for Trump, as Michigan is a must win.
We are keeping our forecast at 330 Biden 208 Trump. Details by state below:

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