Trump’s odds steady despite bad headlines; Biden’s family on board for a run, will be making decision soon; Beto continues to tease a run; Andrew Yang talks Freedom Dividend on FoxNews, odds nearly double

Donald Trump’s Odds held steady for the week despite some bad headlines including a summit with North Korea that he cut short and public testimony by his former attorney Michael Cohen. His odds barely budged improving from 2.93X to 2.91X. He remained in the tight range of 2.90X to 2.96X for the seventh week in a row.

Joe Biden says his family is on board with a potential run and he will be making a decision soon. His odds jumped from 10.4X to 9.2X which moved him up in the standings from 4th place to 3rd just slightly ahead of Bernie Sanders. This is the highest Biden has been in both odds and standings.

Beto O’Rourke continues to tease a Presidential run. His odds jumped from 12.8X to 9.5X, his best in 5 weeks. He remains in fifth place overall and has been as high as second place.

The biggest mover of the week was Andrew Yang. He nearly doubled his odds moving from 122.4X to 69.2X. That was enough to move him from 58th place to 17th place. The Democratic entrepreneur best known for his support for a Universal basic income (rebranded “the Freedom Dividend”) continues to make the rounds for publicity this week stopping by Fox News. Here’s a short profile from Axios of the 2020 candidate.

Here is a list of all the odds:

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