Donald Trump’s Odds at 11 month lows; Kamala Harris reaches another new high after strong first month as candidate; Amy Klobuchar’s odds rise on talk of official announcement, despite reports of mistreatment of staff; Tim Ryan looking to join crowded Democratic field

Donald Trump’s odds took a step back after last week’s rebound, dropping from 2.91X to 2.96X. These are the lowest odds he has had in 11 months, tied with where they were at two weeks ago. His best odds were at 2.31X in August 2018.

Kamala Harris continued her strong first month as a candidate. Her odds reached another new high this week at 6.28X, up from last week’s 6.38X. She has now improved the last 8 weeks. She was at 7.93X and in 3rd place (to Beto) when the streak started. She has now distanced herself from all other candidates, more than doubling the odds of everyone behind her with the exception of Beto O’Rourke and Joe Biden.

Amy Klobuchar’s odds improved and reached a new high this week with the expectation she will announce her candidacy on Sunday. She is now at 24.6X up from 26.1X. There are reports she is having difficulty filling campaign positions due to her mistreatment of staff.

Despite the crowded field on the Democratic side, potential candidates continue to mull over their own potential candidacy. The latest is Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan who will be visiting Iowa and New Hampshire in the coming weeks. His odds jumped from 143.3X to 122.2X. That moved the longshot from 69th place to 56th place, his highest in 8 months.

Here are the full odds:

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