Trump’s Odds Continue to Inch up; Bill Kristol Wants Haley to Challenge Trump; Deval Patrick’s Lack of Name Recognition isn’t New; Hickenlooper “Leaning Strongly” Towards Running

Donald Trump’s odds improved slightly from 2.52X to 2.50X.  This is the highest he has been in 7 weeks.  He has been out campaigning for Republicans the past few weeks and seems to be energized each day at his rallies.

“Establishment” Republicans have been looking for a challenger to Trump in 2020.  Bill Kristol would like to talk Nikki Haley into it.   Her odds increased slightly to 57.7X from 58.0X.  She is in 18th place overall and third among the Republicans behind Trump and Pence.

Deval Patrick doesn’t have the same name recognition as other Democrats but many insiders still believe he can pull it off. His odds improved this week from 65.2X to 61.9X, putting him in 19th place up from 22nd. He has bounced around between 14th place and 32nd place this election cycle.

John Hickenlooper is “leaning strongly” towards running. His odds improved from 68.8X to 65.6X, and he moved from 28th place to 24th place.  These are his best odds in 12 weeks.

Here are the full odds:

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