Donald Trump brought his improvement streak to 20 weeks this week as his odds once again improved from 2.35X to 2.31X. He was at 2.79X at the beginning of the streak.
Kamala Harris continues to be strong in the number 2 spot and also set a new high at 11.2X improving from 11.4X. This is her 6th straight week in the number 2 spot and has been trending up very slowly.
Joe Biden improved for the third straight week, this time from 14.1X to 13.8X. He remained in 4th place overall. A poll released this week showed him ahead of Trump by 7 points (44 % Biden 37% Trump with 19% undecided).
Elizabeth Warren hinted in an interview that she might run with Trump being the main reason. Her odds improved from 14.4X to 14.0X. These are her best odds in 8 weeks and she remains in 5th place.
Here are the full odds:
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