Trump’s Odds Stable; Biden Passes Warren

For the 5th straight week, Donald Trump’s odds remained at 2.77X.  These are the highest odds in 13 months.

There were only two changes in the odds:

Joe Biden continued to improve his odds moving from 15.1X to 14.6X.  He was at 20.0X just 9 weeks ago.  This latest move was enough to move him from 5th place to 4th place jumping over Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren continued to drop as her odds moved from 14.7X to 14.9X. She has dropped for the last 4 weeks. Warren was in 3rd place at the beginning of March but began to drop shortly thereafter when she announced she would serve out her term if she wins in November.  She is now in 5th place, her lowest showing in the election cycle.

Here are the full odds:

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