30 state polls have been released since the last update with 12 of them impacting the forecast.
Here are the polls that had an impact on the forecast:
- 3 OH Poll (Clinton +1, +2, +4) moves state from lean R to lean D
- 2 PA Polls (Clinton +12, +8) move state from likely D to solid D
- Initial AK poll Trump +3 moves state from solid R to likely R
- CO Poll tie moves state from likely D to lean D
- WA Poll Clinton +16 moves state from likely D to solid D
- MI Poll Clinton +11 moves state from likely D to solid D
- NV Poll tie moves state from lean D to tossup
- RI Poll Clinton +20 moves state from likely D to solid D
- NM Poll Clinton +13 moves state from likely D to solid D
The above moved the forecast from the previous 315-223 to the current 326-212. This current 114 point lead is Clinton’s largest since 8/31 when she led by 116.
Here are the other polls:
- 4 FL Polls Clinton +2, +2, +3, Trump +1 confirm state as lean D
- IA Poll Trump +4 confirms state as likely R
- VA Poll Clinton +12 confirms state as solid D
- OR Poll Clinton +8 confirms state as solid D
- 2 WI Poll Clinton +8, +4 confirms state as solid D
- NH Poll Clinton +2 confirms state as likely D
- IN Poll Trump +5 confirms state as solid R
- 2 AZ Polls Tie, Clinton +2 confirms state as tossup
- TN Poll Trump +11 confirms state as solid R
- MD Poll Clinton +36 confirms state as solid D
- MA Poll Clinton +32 confirms state as solid D
- NC Poll Clinton +2 confirms state as lean D
- TX Poll Trump +7 confirms state as solid R
With many of the tossup states swinging Clinton’s way, we are down to two tossup states:
- AZ
- NV
Many once thought to be tossup states currently have Clinton in front including:
- CO
- FL
- NC
- NH
- OH
- PA
- VA
- WI
Trump is leading in just one thought to be tossup:
- IA
Here’s a trend of the forecast:
- Click here for a state by state forecast of the elections
- Click here for running list of forecast changes
- Click here for results from last 5 elections
- Follow me @2016ElectOdds for updates
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