Donald Trump has been gaining ground in the national polls the last four weeks. This has finally began translating into some ground in both in the electoral forecast and the betting odds. This week he gained 3.2% up to 26.1%, his highest since the end of July. Hillary Clinton still has a big advantage at 69.0%.
Here is a full list of the odds:
Looking into the odds at for the House and Senate, the odds for a split government increased.
The Republicans also improved the odds of winning the House and the Senate. Republican odds of winning the House is now at 86.6% up from 84.7% the previous week. The odds of them winning the Senate improved from 23.2% to 25.2%. The Democrats still have the higher odds at 53.4% down from 55.9%. Keep in mind there is a high likelihood the Senate is split (21.4%). If that were to happen, the VP would break any ties as far as voting.
The odds of the Republicans winning all three increased as well to 25.5%, almost the same as the odds of Trump winning the presidency. This just shows most believe a Trump victory virtually guarantees the Republicans keeping the House and Senate. The odds of the Democrats winning all three slipped from 18.5% to 16%, as they are unlikely to win the House.
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