Six state polls have been released since the last update, and while some are from some vary important battleground states (FL, GA, PA), there wasn’t anything new to move the forecast. We are still at 294-244 which is the smallest Clinton lead since the middle of July.
Here are the polls that were released:
- Initial IL poll Clinton + 13 confirms state as solid D
- GA poll Trump +3 confirms state as likely R (he leads last three polls by similar margins)
- FL poll Clinton +1 confirms state as tossup (This state has gone back and forth the last few polls)
- PA poll Clinton +8 confirms state as likely D (Clinton has a bigger lead in this important state than Trump does in GA)
- Initial MN poll Clinton +6 confirms state as likely D
- OK poll Trump +15 confirms state as solid R
Here is the list of current tossups:
- AZ
- FL
- NC
- NV
Many once thoughts to be tossup states currently have Clinton in front including:
- CO
- NH
- PA
- VA
- WI
The above are the states Trump needs to swing back in order to win.
Here’s a trend of the forecast:
- Click here for a state by state forecast of the elections
- Click here for running list of forecast changes
- Click here for results from last 5 elections
- Follow me @2016ElectOdds for updates
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