Updated VP Odds: Gingrich Leads but Kasich, Pence, and Christie Making Noise for Rep; Kaine Overtakes Warren for Dems

On the Republican side, Jeff Sessions saw the biggest move dropping from 27.2% to 16.1%.  That was enough for him to drop from first to second.

Newt Gingrich had similar odds to last week at 17.3% (vs 17.4%) and that was enough for him to take the lead.

The odds lost by Sessions went to three candidates:

  • John Kasich improved from a tie for 4th and 6.8% to 3rd and 13.3%
  • Chris Christie stayed in 4th place but improved from 6.8% to 12.7%
  • Mike Pence saw his odds jump from 15th and 2.3% to 5th and 7.9%

Here’s a list of the top 15:


Rep VP 7-4

For the Democrats, all of the money seemed to move to Tim Kaine this week as his odds shot up from 2nd place and 17.9% to 33.3% and first place.

Elizabeth Warren dropped from first place and 22.1% to 2nd place and 15.4%

The 3rd – 5th spot held steady for Julian Castro (14.0%), Tom Perez (7.3%) and Xavier Becerra (6.4%).

The big drop was Bernie Sanders who went from 6th place and 6.6% to 9th place and 4.7%.

 Here’s a list of the top 10 Democrats:
 Dem VP 7-4

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