Updated Weekly Odds: Clinton’s Lead Over Trump at an 8 Week High; Ryan’s Odds Continue to Strengthen

There was very little movement this week, but there was enough for Hillary Clinton to increase her lead over Donald Trump to an 8 week high.

Clinton’s odds increased by 0.2% to 67.2%, her highest in 8 weeks.

Trump’s odds declined by 0.5% to 25.3%, his lowest in 8 weeks. This cause led to a 42% margin for Clinton over Trump, the largest since the beginning of May.

There was virtually no movement in the other odds except for Paul Ryan.  He was up from 0.8% to 1.1%.  He has nearly double over the last 5 weeks.  What is driving it?  How could Ryan win? According to this article, the unlikely scenario would begin with Gary Johnson winning a few states to prevent any candidate from getting the electoral votes needed to win.

Here are the overall odds of all candidates:

6-25 Pres Odds

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