Hillary Clinton continues climb up 0.3% to 41.4%. That is the 5th straight week she has increased her odds. The increase comes at the expense of other Democratic candidates as the overall odds of the Democrats keeping control of the White House remained at 56.5%.
The biggest drop for the Democrats came from Elizabeth Warren who lost 0.1% but is still the top contender to Clinton at 2.2%, comfortable in 6th place overall.
On the Republican side Jeb Bush’s odds declined by 0.2% to 11.2%. That is the 3rd straight decline for Bush. He remains comfortably in 2nd place.
Marco Rubio has been closing that gap on him. Rubio was up 0.5% to 5.2%. He has cut the gap by 1.6% over the last 3 weeks. He is the solid # 3 overall.
John Kasich was the other big mover of the week. He moved from 34th place all the way to 20th place at 0.8% as he inched closer to a 2016 run.
On the Democratic side, Jim Webb continues to rise slowly. He is now in 15th place. He was 48th place as late as January.
Here’s the full list:
Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
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