Updated Weekly Odds: Bush Continues Surge; Top 5 Moves Up and Down Past 6 Months

Jeb Bush continued his meteoric rise in the odds, improving to 9.8% from 9.2% last week.  Bush was below 5% and behind Rubio just 2 months ago.

Hillary Clinton continues to dominate at 39.8%, although she is at her lowest point in 2 months.  According to the odds, she is still 4 times more likely of being elected than Jeb Bush.

Marco Rubio (4.2%), Chris Christie (3.5%) and Rand Paul (3.2%) round out the top 5.

Mitt Romney continues to improve and now has a 2.4% probability from just 1.9% two months prior. He is in 7th place.

On the Democratic side John Kerry has been slowly moving up from 24th place in the summer to 15th place this week at 1.2%.

Top 5 most improved the last 6 months:

– Jeb Bush +5.2% (4.6% to 9.8%)

-Mitt Romney +1.5% (0.9% to 2.4% and 29th place to 7th)

-Kirsten Gillibrand +1.2% (0.2% to 1.4%)

-Deval Patrick from 45th to 18th

-Susana Martinez from 30th to 17th

Top 5 decreases the last 6 months:

-Hillary Clinton -2.3% (from 42.1% to 39.8%)

-Paul Ryan -2.1% (from 3.9% to 1.7%)

-John Huntsman -0.8% (from 1.4% to 0.6%)

-Rick Perry (-0.6%) from 1.4% to 0.8% and 10th place to 28th place)

– Bobby Jindal from 9th place to 16th place

Jan 3 2015 pres odds

Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
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