Updated Odds: Romney up to 5th Place, Walker in the Top 10 & Where is Palin?

Hillary Clinton continued to hold a big lead at 38.9% while Mitt Romney continued to improve on the Republican side.  His modest 0.1% was enough to increase his total to 3.2%, allowing him to jump Rand Paul for 5th place.

Scott Walker is back in the top 10 as it’s looking more and more like he may run. He replaces Democrat Martin O’Malley who is also seriously considering a run.

Rick Perry continues to tumble moving from 28th to 32nd with only a 0.7% chance of winning.  He reached as high as #4 in August.

Sarah Palin made some headlines says she is “seriously interested” in running. What do the oddsmakers think? She moved up from 42nd to 37th at 0.6% probability.

Here’s the full list

Jan 24 2015 pres odds

Link to the trend for the top 10 candidates
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