NC poll shows state is currently a toss up in 2016 presidential election

A Civitas Institute poll shows NC will likely be a toss up between the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Romney beat Obama in the state in 2012 50% to 48%.

First the party nominations:

For the Republicans, Jeb Bush holds a big lead followed by a tight group in Christie, Paul, Rubio, and Perry:

Jeb Bush        16%
Chris Christie 9%
Rand Paul      9%
Marco Rubio 8%
Rick Perry     7%
Bobby Jindal  3%
Scott Walker 3%
Rick Santorum 3%

For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton has the lead with Biden and Warren fighting for a far away second
Hillary Clinton      40%
Elizabeth Warren  12%
Joe Biden             9%
Andrew Cuomo   3%
Bernie Sanders     2%
Jim Webb            1%
Howard Dean      1%

6 head to head matchups were measured with The Republican nominees being in a tight race with Hillary Clinton but clearly beating Joe Biden.

Christie edges Clinton  47% vs 46%
Bush edges Clinton  48% to 47%
Clinton edges Paul 47% to 48%
Christie beats Biden 49% to 42%
Bush beats Biden 50% to 44%
Paul beats Biden 49% to 44%.

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